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Introduction, Mission, and Vision
Our mission is to provide a comprehensive and diverse vehicle for local fulfillment of the professional interests of APA members and of the urban planning profession generally. The Chapter and its members, through their knowledge and experience in planning, help to shape communities and environments that are responsive to the needs and problems of society. The Chapter carries out the objectives and mission of APA by:
- Advancing the art and science of the urban planning profession;
- Encouraging the exchange of information, ideas, and professional experience;
- Promoting interest in, and the welfare of, the planning profession as both a profession and an integral part of the public policy process, both locally and nationally;
- Sponsoring activities that advance the overall goals and objectives of APA and the urban planning profession;
- Encouraging the growth and enhancement of planning education and preparation, particularly, but not limited to, at the university and graduate levels;
- Fostering a professional community among members;
- Providing members with opportunities for professional growth and development;
- Promoting and maintaining professional exchanges and cross-communication with planning-related professions; and
- Reflecting the diverse personal backgrounds of those in the planning profession as well as those impacted by the planning process.
Use this space to introduce most recent Chapter or Conference sponsors...Or add an introduction to sponsorship, generally.