2025 Nevada Legislative Session Nevada Legislature in session
The 83rd session of the Nevada Legislature has begun! Check back regularly on our Policy and Advocacy page for updates throughout the session!

Presentation Now Available City of Reno Zoning Code Update
In January of 2021 the City of Reno adopted a new zoning code, and as part of that adoption it was always anticipated that some code clean-up would be necessary. In June of 2022, City Council initiated a text amendment to the Title 18 Annexation and Land Development Code, to address those outstanding zoning code clean-up items including grammatical errors, inconsistencies with regulations, unintended deletions or insertions, and updates based on legislative changes. Key to the code clean-up was to create a document that removes the conflicting regulations and made it easier for staff to administer in a consistent manner. A copy of the presentation is available at the link below.

George Carl Garcia 1951 - 2024 In Memoriam-George C. Garcia
The Nevada Chapter of the American Planning Association would like to extend its condolences to the family and friends of George C. Garcia. George was a longtime member and supporter of the chapter and had a profound impact on the planning profession in Nevada. During his distinguished career, George founded the land planning and development firm G.C. Garcia Inc and had nearly 26 years of local government planning experience. For nearly five years George served as Planning Director for the City of Henderson. To honor George legacy, his family has established the George C. Garcia Lymphoma Foundation to assist patients in Southern Nevada. For more information about the foundation or to make a donation please see the below flyer.

Awards Presented at the 52nd Annual Nevada State Planning Conference 2024 DeBoer Excellence in Planning Awards Announced
The Nevada is proud to announce the winners of the 2024 DeBoer Excellence in Planning Awards. Named after Saco Reink DeBoer, a master city planner of the twentieth century and author of the Boulder City plan, the these honor outstanding planning projects and individual initiatives that represent the best of the planning profession in Nevada. Attached please find a copy of the press release which outlines this year's awards winners who will be honored at the 52nd Annual Nevada State Planning Conference October 21-22, 2024 in Downtown Las Vegas. To view all of the award winners please see the press release below.

Approved by Chapter on October 21, 2024 Chapter Bylaw Amendments Approved
The approved bylaw changes aim to consolidate the Northern and Southern Sections into the Nevada State Chapter and to add four regional directors to the Chapter’s Executive Committee. Two regional directors will be elected from each region—Northern and Southern—to represent their respective areas. This will result in an Executive Board of nine members, including the Chapter Officers (President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer), the four Regional Directors, and the immediate past President. This consolidation will reduce the number of positions by six. By merging into a single unified State Chapter, the organization will enhance operational efficiency and strengthen its presence throughout Nevada.

Featured Job Postings
- There are no job postings at this time.